Getting traffic from competitors with Google ads

How to take over competitors' traffic with Google ads?

How to take over competitors' traffic with Google ads?

Getting traffic from your competitors with Google ads is a common way to grow your business and get new customers

In this article, we are going to examine the opportunity that Google Ads gives you to take over your competitors' traffic.

When you search for something on Google, relevant results are displayed on the Google search results page, which can be divided into two types: organic results (SEO) and paid results (Google Ads).

The way Google Ads works is that you can offer a fee to display your site's ad on the search results page for specific keywords.

Google ads are a way to increase site traffic

Google ads can easily increase traffic and website visits from Google for you. Of course, this way will cost you a lot.

As you know, SEO can attract traffic at a lower cost than any advertising method. But SEO also has many methods and steps.

Google advertising is an effective (indirect) way for site SEO. Another effective way is to use Keyupseo visitation systems.

By using the Buy Website Traffic of Keyupseo you will increase the traffic of your site and help to improve the SEO of the website.

Brand and non-brand keywords

In general, keywords are divided into 2 categories of brand and non-brand keywords.

Brand keywords are keywords that include your brand name or company name.

You consider any brand product, users use its combination with the brand to search for that product or service.

Take Apple as an example. If someone searches for “Apple iPhone” or anything related to Apple, it is considered a brand keyword. If someone searches for something more generic like mobile, it's considered an off-brand keyword.

Competitors' keywords

Competitor keywords are actually your competitors' brand keywords. For your competitor, these are brand keywords and for you, competitor keywords.

In the mobile sector, the keyword of the Apple brand became Apple iPhone, which cannot be used for the Samsung brand, but you can draw customers to your brand with the capture strategy and AdWords.

Google ads are a way to increase site traffic

Let's put ourselves in the shoes of the Samsung manager.

What we need to do to compete in this field is to add keywords related to iPhone or Apple phones to our ad group keywords section and offer a reasonable price for each click.

 Finally, let's create a related ad for the Galaxy phone and also design a landing page for this specific case. In this ad, we might want to compare the Galaxy with the iPhone and explain how valuable the Galaxy is compared to the iPhone.

Please note that according to Google Ads rules, you cannot use competitors' brand names in the ad text without permission. Using brand names in the ad can cause ads to be disapproved or your account to be suspended.

The advantages of the capture strategy in Google Ads

There are many reasons to use capture campaigns as part of your digital marketing strategy. Capture campaigns in Google Ads can have various advantages:

  • Appearing in searches related to larger competitors can be a great opportunity to be seen by your target audience.
  • A competitor's audience can generally become your customers too, so showing ads to them can bring you a good conversion rate.
  • A capture campaign is also a great way to take countermeasures against competitors targeting your brand's keywords, as you can foil your competitors' plots for a low cost per click!

Challenges and risks of advertising on competitors' keywords

The conquest campaign in Google Ads has several advantages, but it is not without challenges and risks:

The most obvious challenge is convincing customers who have searched for your competitor's brand. This is where proper messaging, targeting, and smart marketing come into play.

Capture campaigns can also be very expensive and stretch your Google Ads budget, as you'll typically get a lower Quality Score than your competition for their keywords, which are inherently more search-related.

One of the effects of conquest campaigns that you should be aware of is retaliation from your competitors.

While it can be tempting to get traffic from your competitors, remember that your competitors can do the same just as easily. Watch out for the ad war on competitors' keywords, when the ad war on competitors' keywords starts, everyone loses; Except for Google, which pays the costs of this war.

Release date : 16 January, 2023




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