Educational materials WordPress content and other articles

Welcome to our Website. Here you can find latest WordPress content and other articles Articles.

WordPress content and other articles

WordPress content and other articles

In the contents of this KeyUpSeo category, we intend to provide content in various web fields, news, and WordPress educational content, we intend to help you to appear successful in your business.

Today, WordPress has become one of the largest cms in use and has made website design very simple and at the same time attractive.

Website designers are more interested in WordPress because of the faster design of a WordPress website than a dedicated website design.

With many plugins and extensive activity of people to use and expand WordPress, it is considered one of the main things for choosing and setting up a site and online stores.

You will get many attractive features by using WordPress. Also, its ease of use for site managers is one of the main reasons for using this CMS.

Another advantage of WordPress is the presence of plugins for site SEO, which are effective for site SEO and make site optimization easier for search engines.

Succeeding in website design with WordPress and creating an attractive WordPress site requires having sufficient knowledge about WordPress.

In addition to all these advantages, you should be careful not to harm your site and business through existing bugs or errors that some plugins have.

Knowing about useful plugins and being aware of bugs in WordPress core or some plugins will help you to do better.

We intend to introduce you more to these topics with training, news, and announcements of updates related to WordPress and its plugins, as well as content and news in other fields.

What is the difference between a widget and a block in WordPress?

What is the difference between a widget and a block in WordPress?

In this article from the Keyupseo blog, we explain the difference between WordPress widgets and blocks, so you can learn how to use them properly.

WordPress content and other articles

7 September, 2023

rel=”noopener” in the link

rel=”noopener” in the link

In this article, we will explain what rel=”noopener” means in WordPress and how it affects your website.

WordPress content and other articles

17 August, 2023

Activation of two standard methods of recovery mode in WordPress

Activation of two standard methods of recovery mode in WordPress

In this article from the Keyupseo blog, you will learn about the standard methods of data recovery in WordPress.

WordPress content and other articles

13 July, 2023

404page WordPress plugin to create a custom 404 page

404page WordPress plugin to create a custom 404 page

The default 404 page of WordPress does not look good, and in the Keyupseo blog, we teach how to create a custom 404 page on WordPress with the 404page plugin.

WordPress content and other articles

13 June, 2023

9 misconceptions about WordPress

9 misconceptions about WordPress

WordPress is a popular website design platform, but there are some misconceptions about it and we have explained them.

WordPress content and other articles

15 May, 2023

WordPress site plugins

WordPress site plugins

There are many different types of WordPress plugins and each one affects the performance of your website in a different way and you should be able to install them.

WordPress content and other articles

22 March, 2023