How to write great ad text in Google Ads

Types of ad text in Google Ads and how to write it

Types of ad text in Google Ads and how to write it

Google Ads ad text is what you see in Google results after searching for your desired word as the title and description of paid results and ads.

Writing a great ad text plays a key role in reducing costs and increasing the amount of revenue from your site's advertising.

Because it is your first point of contact and attraction with your potential customers.

Therefore, you must be very sensitive in writing it. One of your most important concerns should be writing an attractive ad text. But this text consists of different parts.

Writing attractive texts and using consistent and harmonious words in the title and description in ads is one of the Tricks to make Google Ads campaigns attractive.

In this article from the KeyUpSeo blog, we intend to first introduce the types of ad texts in Google Ads and then teach you how to write the ad text in the best way.

Types of Title and Description Text in Google Ads

In one of the stages of setting up a Google Ads campaign, you will be asked to write at least one ad text for your desired product or service.

At the very beginning, you have two choices. First, create a Text ad copy, or choose Responsive search ads.

We will explain each of them separately below.

Google Ads Text Ad Campaign

In this type of ad text, you must fill in different sections. You can see each of these sections in the image below. In the left section, you can write the content of your ad. In the right section, Google Ads shows you a preview of your final ad in 3 modes: mobile, PC, and Display Network. Below, we will explain the 4 main sections of this advertising campaign.

Google Ads Text Ad Campaign

  1. Final URL

In this section, you must enter the address of the page that you want the user to visit after clicking on the ad. Of course, your address will not be displayed to users in the final ad text.

  1. Headline

This section includes 3 parts: the first title, the second title, and the third title, in each of which you can write up to 30 characters. This section is the most important component of your ad because it is usually the first part of the ad text that users see. Be careful that users can only click on one of these three titles to enter your site. In other words, the only part of your ad text that is clickable is these titles.

  1. Display Path

This section consists of two separate sections, and you can write up to 15 characters in each section. Be careful that this section has nothing to do with the landing page or the URL of your site. This section is only for display to the user.

  1. Description

The ad title section will not be enough for you to provide a complete description of your products and services to the user. For this reason, Google Ads allows you to add more descriptions of your products to the ad text.

Google Ads has given you more freedom in this section than in other sections. This section consists of 2 sections, Description 1 and Description 2, in each section you are allowed to add a maximum of 90 characters to your ad text.

In this section, you can write additional descriptions about your products and services so that the user can become more familiar with the services, benefits, and products you offer. We recommend that you use relevant keywords in your ad text.

Responsive Search Ad Campaign

In this type of ad, you can write multiple phrases for different parts of the ad text. Google Ads selectively and randomly displays different phrases in various combinations to users to see which combination gives them more feedback over time.


You can see the different parts of this type of ad in the image above. In this type of ad, you can write various combinations of ad phrases. 4 Different Parts A Responsive Search Ad is similar to a Text Ad and is used to display the text you want to the user.

If you are looking for more profit with Responsive Google Ads, I recommend that you read this article.

“Call Ad” Advertising Campaign

Call Ad is another type of text advertising that you can use in Google search campaigns. In this type of ad, you can only put your contact number in the text.

This type of ad is designed to receive the most contact from the audience.

Dynamic Search Ad

Dynamic Search Ad is one of the most awesome types of ad text in Google Ads! In these advertising campaigns, the ad text is dynamically created based on the snippet (the same meta title and description that you write for each page).

Of course, this type of ad text can only be used for dynamic ad groups. Therefore, before using this ad, you must first configure the dynamic ad settings in the Campaign Settings section.

Dynamic Search Ad

In these settings, you must enter the domain of your site without any extensions or prefixes. After that, you must declare the language of your website to Google so that it can analyze the content of your site correctly. After these settings, you must also create a dynamic ad group.

How do dynamic ads work?

In this method, Google Ads examines the content of all the pages of your site to understand the topic of each page. Then, when the user searches for a phrase on Google, if Google Ads finds that phrase to be related to one of the pages on our site, it will display the ad for that page to the user. Here, the ad text is created dynamically. In other words, Google uses the meta title that we created when we created the page in the ad text.

Next, we will examine the different parts of this type of ad.

  1. The dynamic part of the ad

As you can see in the image above, here we no longer need to write a Headline for our ad and Google uses the same page title. The final address is naturally the same page that Google thinks is related to the user's search.

  1. Description

The description section is the only part where you can write anything in dynamic ads. Given that this section will be displayed to advertise all of your pages, it is better to write more general phrases in it. For example, if you have a perfume and cologne store, you can use sentences like this: “Special sale of all kinds of brand perfumes and colognes | Men's and women's | All kinds of scents and flavors”.

When should we use dynamic ads?

This type of ad is mostly used for store sites that have many products. On store sites with many products, it does not make sense for us to create an ad for each product and write text. Instead, we ask Google Ads to examine the content of all pages and show him the ad related to the user's search.

Sometimes you may want to target your site's blog. In this situation, using dynamic ads is more logical, depending on the number of pages.

Very important point: You can tell Google to use only specific pages of your site in dynamic ads. For example, you can specify only ads for pages of the site that contain the words blog or shop or any other phrase you want to display to users in their URLs. Or even target pages that have your keyword in their title.

When should we use dynamic ads?

Google Ads needs to be able to easily read and understand the content of your pages. So make sure the content of your pages is complete and understandable to Google. Otherwise, your dynamic ads will not show.

How to write great ad text?

Ad text is the first moment you meet your customers. Ad copy is the first and even most important thing that users see, so we should try to have the best ad copy text.

One of the most significant ways to optimize ads on Google is to improve ad text. That is, you improve your ad text in terms of both attractiveness and keyword coverage. In this case, your ad's quality score in terms of relevance and click-through rate will increase, and as a result, your costs will decrease.

The more clicks your ad attracts, the happier Google is because Google makes money using your clicks. So Google likes texts that receive more clicks. Now the question is, what texts attract more clicks? What can we do to make our text better?

To do this, you need to write attractive texts that attract more user attention.

Join KeyUpSeo to teach you how to write great ad copy.

Use relevant keywords in the text

Someone who searches for a keyword on Google will not click on your ad if you do not use that word or any phrase close to it in your ad text. Because they consider your ad text irrelevant.

We have explained this issue in detail in the article The Importance of Keywords in Google Ads.

Try to specifically use words related to the product or service you offer in the ad text.

Be careful that unnecessary and excessive use of keywords is not good at all and cannot attract the user's attention. In addition, you have not used the limited space of the ad properly and have repeated keywords instead of attractive descriptions of the products. Note that you are writing the ad text for humans, not the Google search engine!

Write differently

These days, everyone has free shipping, everyone offers a money-back guarantee, or whatever other features other sites offer.

Now, if you want to win this game, you have to write your ad text differently, because it can catch the attention of the audience from repetitive texts. So, try to write different and attractive ad texts to have more chances of clicking.

Announce Prices and offers

Add your attractive offers in the ad text. Sometimes announcing the price of products or services in the text can catch the attention of the audience, especially if your prices are competitive. Announcing that you have a special discount can increase your chances of attracting the attention of the audience. Or any other attractive offer you have.

Of course, there is an extension in Google Ads that you can use to add your desired discount below the ad text.

Don't write complicated

Your audience doesn't have much time to analyze and digest complex sentences. Sometimes we encounter ad text that misleads you when reading it.

Your ad copy text should be as simple as possible. Assume that the user will spend less than 3 seconds viewing your text. So prioritize simplicity and avoid long, complex, and specific words.

Use catchy words

Using powerful words or words like “free, instant, best, cheapest,” etc. will make your ad copy more catchy. As a result, users’ attention will be more attracted and the likelihood of them choosing your text will increase. We have seen in our experience that adding the word “free” has a high impact on increasing the click-through rate of your ad.

Add your business advantages to your ad copy

The advantages you have over other businesses can be one of the most important reasons why a customer will use your products or services.

Of course, there is a big difference between having an advantage and announcing it! Sometimes you may have advantages that only you and you know about! As a result, not announcing your advantages in the ad text will cause you to lose customers.

By adding the advantage of your business over your competitors to the ad text, you can attract the attention of the audience, and as a result, your sales will increase and your advertising costs will decrease due to the increase in the click-through rate score.

Use a call to action

A call to action means asking your users to do something! I have personally experienced, many times, how using a call to action in the ad text affects attracting users.

Some people think that if they just put their phone number in the ad text, they will have a successful Google Ads campaign and will reach customers without reducing the charge, but this belief is wrong for several reasons. By adding a simple call to action text to the ad, such as “Click to view Price”, you can increase the quality score of your ads.

If no action is taken on your ad, you will suffer the main loss. Below we have listed the main reasons.

Using a phone number in Google Ads ad text is not allowed

Using a phone number in ad text is against Google Ads. Google has a specific place for using a phone number, which is called a call extension. Other than this extension, writing a phone number anywhere else in the ad text is against Google rules, and if Google finds out about this, it will immediately stop your ad and may even block your account for circumventing Google rules!

Reducing the click-through rate in ads

You might think that if users do not click on the ad text, it is in your favor because you will not lose any money. But this belief is wrong. Because by doing this, the click-through rate of your ad will decrease.

As a result, your score in the click-through rate index will decrease and ultimately your costs will increase greatly. In other words, not only is not clicking on the ad not good at all, but it is completely to your detriment.

Not using the title and description space properly

Different parts of the ad text are for you to place attractive and relevant content in them. This means that you can use attractive keywords and content. Not by stringing together several numbers that have no meaning to Google! This will reduce your score in the ad relevance index and, as a result, increase your costs.

Use extensions

According to Google, each extension can increase your ad click-through rate by up to 15%! So take the use of various extensions seriously.

To learn about Google Ads extensions, be sure to read this article.

The importance of creating attractive ad text for Google Ads

The importance of creating attractive ad text for Google Ads

As a key point, remember that having diverse and numerous ad texts will help you find the best one. So, write as many ad texts as you can. Having good ad text will not only attract more customers but also increase the quality score of your ads, which will significantly reduce your costs.

By having an active and engaging advertising campaign, you will attract potential customers and grow your business.

Release date : 21 January, 2025

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